目的:探讨浙江省食物中毒发生的流行病学特点,找出关键控制点,提出预防食物中毒的对策。方法:采用SPSS 13.0统计软件对1992年-2006年浙江省15年食物中毒发生情况进行统计分析。结果:浙江省食物中毒以第三季度为多发时段;饮食服务单位、集体食堂和家庭为高发场所;微生物是主要致病因素,农药及化学物中毒死亡人数最多。结论:针对关键控制点进行重点管理,提高食物中毒的查明率,加强监管和宣传。
Objective To explore epidemiologieal eharaeteristics of food poisoning,to find out the key eontrolling point,and then to make out some preventive measurements of food poisoning. Methods SPSS 13.0 was used to analyze the data of 15--year food poisoning dynamically in Zhejiang province from 1992 to 2006. Results In Zhejiang province food poisoning was most likely to occur in the third quarter of the year. Catering services unit, the eolleetive canteens and family were the likely plaees of food poisoning. Pathogenie miero -- organisms were the main eauses. Death toll caused by pestieides and ehemieal poisoning is the highest. Conclusion We should make key management of eritieal points, improve the identification of food poisoning, and strengthen supervision as well as publicity to prevent food poisoning.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
food poisoning
dynamic analysis
preventive countermeasure