Objective To study the clinicopathologic features and signifieances of small bowel metastasis of lung giant cell carcinoma with neuroedocrine differentiation. Methods The clinical and pathological data in a case of multiple small bowel metastases of lung giant cell carcinoma with neuroedocrine differentiation were observed and analyzed by light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistechemical staining. Results There were three separated tumors in the jejunum. Microscopically, all tumors showed same histological pattern and consisted almost exclusively of poorly cohesive, polymorphic giant cells, some of which were muhinueleated. Diffuse and mild infiltration with neutrophilie cells were seen in all tumors. Tumors infiltrated the whole intestinal wall and focal mucosa was affected. Immtmohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for cytokemtin-low, CK7, vimentin, TTF-1, NSE and CgA, while negative for CK20 and vii/in. Electmn-miemseopieal/y, there were cell connections on the surface and neurosecretory granules in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells. The pathologic diagnosis of the left upper lobe tumor was lung giant cell carcinoma instead of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. According to the histopathological structure, labeling results and the clinical history, we made the diagnosis: jejunal metastasis of lung giant cell carcinoma with neuroedocrine differentiation. Conclusion Metastases from lung cancer to gastrointestinal tract are rare; when lung cancer patients have abdominal symptoms, metastases from bronchial and pulmonary carcinoma to the small bowels should be first considered. The histologic type of metastatic tumors to jejunum most commonly is giant cell carcinoma or large cell carcinoma.
Chinese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology
Lung giant cell carcinoma
Small intestine metastasis
Electron microscope