
一体化网络下移动性管理的索引结构模型 被引量:5

An Index Structure Model for Mobility Management of Universal Networks
摘要 发展一般的移动性管理模型是一体化移动网络的重要需求.通过分析移动性的影响以及不同体系下的移动性支撑机制,本文提出了移动管理层作为移动性及其管理的概念解释.提出了一个描述移动性管理机制的索引结构模型.该模型构造了管理机制的基本单元(点和边),定义了基本操作(更新操作和查询操作).分析指出所提模型在单元和参数方面具有很大的灵活性,可以适用于很多场景.本文使用索引结构模型描述并分析了一体化网络的移动性管理方案,分析结果说明了在一体化网络中映射服务器的配置方案和其查询机制的设计将成为实现高效的移动性管理机制的关键. Developing a general mobility management model is an important requirement for the universal mobile networks. In this paper, by analyzing mobility effects and support mechanisms in heterogeneons networks, we present a conceptual explanation of mobility management layer for mobility and its management. An index structure model is proposed to characterize mobility management schemes. In our model, we construct the basic elements of management mechanisms, i. e. node and edge, and define the main iperations,namely,update operation and query operation.We indicate that the proposed model is flexible in its elements and parameters, and could be applied for many scenarios. Using the index structure model, we describe and analyze the mobility management solution of universal networks. The analysis results show that the deployment and query scheme appears important to design an efficient mobility support scheme for the universal networks.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期706-712,共7页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家973重点基础研究发展规划(No.2007CB307100,No.2007CB307105,No.2007CB307101)
关键词 移动性管理 索引结构 新网络体系 一体化网络 mobility management index structure new network architecture universal network
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