The aero - engine is a complex mechanical dynamic system and has many non - linear parts. Its chaos vibration synthetically reflects each non - linear response. Therefore, judging the aero - engine condition and carrying out the fault diagnosis according to the chaos vibration signal is an effective technical method. As chaotic vibration signal is sensitive to initial conditions, chaotic vibration signal has a wide band frequency , it has a variety of over- lapping characteristics, and the actual vibration signals contain ingredients such as various kinds of interference as well as noises, the separation of chaotic vibration signals is the key to judging a state and fault diagnosis. The paper applies Fast ICA to separate the simulation signals of chaotic mixed - signal blindly, even if in low signal - to - noise ratio situation, the Fast ICA can separate the chaos vibration signal effectively from other source signals. As a method applying to the actual aero -engine vibration signal analysis, the method can separate actual chaotic vibration signal from the actual aero - engine vibration signals, which makes the further judgment of the state of engine possible according to the chaos vibration signals.
Computer Simulation