
肯尼迪政府的“时势观”与对华政策 被引量:1

The Kennedy Government's View on Current Affairs and Its Policy Towards China
摘要 社会制度竞争和意识形态对抗是东西方冷战的重要特征和主要内容。20世纪50年代末60年代初,亚非拉新独立国家的出现为冷战双方在社会制度上的竞争提供了新的舞台。肯尼迪政府将苏联和中国在经济、科学技术领域的发展,及其在亚非拉地区影响力的迅速扩展,解读成为社会主义阵营在制度竞争上的进攻和胜利。尤其将中国的意识形态化外交言行视为美国社会制度和意识形态的主要威胁,认为西方阵营在社会制度竞争中面临失败的危险。肯尼迪政府关于冷战"时势"的这一战略判断形成了美国对华认识和定位的基本架构,导致中国成为美国冷战战略的主要对象,美国冷战战略的"东亚错位"现象进一步强化。从这个意义上看,肯尼迪政府的"时势观"是影响美国对华政策制定与实施并加剧冷战"东亚错位"的重要因素。 In the late 1950s and early 1960s,many new independent countries in Asia,Africa and Latin America appeared and there was a new round of competition of social systems between the two sides of Cold War.Particularly,the Kennedy government considered the ideology and diplomatic behavior of China a threat to the social system and ideology of America,thinking the west may fail in the competition.The judgment of Kennedy government formed the basic attitude of the U.S.toward China,which made China the major target of America in the Cold War.
作者 张屹峰
出处 《史林》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期155-164,共10页 Historical Review
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划重大课题攻关项目“冷战时期美国重大外交政策研究”阶段性成果,项目批准号:06JZD00013
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  • 1陈兼.对“冷战”在战略层面的再界定--1960年代末、1970年代初美国对华及东亚政策的转变及其涵义[J].国际政治研究,2008,29(3):76-95. 被引量:9
  • 2Noam Kochavi, A Conflict Perpetuated : China Policy during the Kennedy Years, New York : Praeger Publishers, 2002.
  • 3Evelyn Goh, Constructing the U. S. Reapproachment with China, 1961 - 1974 : From "Red Menace" to "Tacit Ally", Cambridge University Press, 2004.
  • 4Henry A. Kissinger, The Necessity for Choice: Prospect of American Foreign Policy, New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1961, pp. 1-3.
  • 5[苏]安·安·葛罗米柯,鲍·尼·波诺马廖夫.《苏联对外政策史,下卷(1945-1980)》,中国人民大学出版社1989年版,第292页.
  • 6John L. Gaddis, We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History, Oxford University Press, 1997, pp. 284 -285, p. 290.
  • 7[美]亨利·基辛格.《大外交》,海南人民出版社1998年版,第405页.
  • 8[美]J·斯帕尼尔.《第二次世界大战后美国的外交政策》,商务印书馆1992年版,第147-148页.
  • 9Gabriel Kolko, Confronting the Third World: United States Foreign Policy, 1945- 1980, New York: Pantheon Books, 1988, p. 128.
  • 10[美]小阿瑟·施莱辛格.《一千天:约翰·菲·肯尼迪在白宫》,北京:三联书店,1981年,第260页.


  • 1"Telegram, Cabot to State Department, 23 June 1962", in FRUS, Northeast Asia, 1961-1963, Vol. 22, pp. 273-275.
  • 2Noam Kochavi, A Conflict Perpetuated : China Policy during the Kennedy Years, pp. 95-97.
  • 3Haig to Eliot, 28 January 1972, enclosing Kissinger to the President, "My Talks with Chou Enlai [ Zhou Enlai] " 17 July 1971, RG 59, Top Secret Subject-Numeric Files, 1970-1972, POL 7 Kissinger, NA.
  • 4魏史言.《基辛格秘密访华》,第41页.
  • 5Kissinger, White House Years, New York: Little Brown, 1979, p. 749.
  • 6Haig to Eliot, 28 January 1972, RG 59, Top Secret Subject-Numeric Files, 1970-1972, POL 7 Kissinger, NA.
  • 7Henry Kissinger, White House Years Year, p. 787.
  • 8Wei Shiyan, " Kissinger's Second Visit to Beijing", pp. 69-70.
  • 9Chen Jian's Commentary in Asian Perspective, Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 2003, p. 15.
  • 10Kissinger and Qiao Guanhua, China's vice foreign minister and one of Zhou's main associates, were responsible for composing the text of the communique.











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