The Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics is a joint publication of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, the Chinese Society of Astronautics, the Systems Engineering Society of China, and the Chinese Association for System Simulation. It appears six times a year in English. The editorial board strives to publish well-written papers that present important research results within the journal scope, which includes system analysis, system modeling and simulation, military system analysis, vehicle control, C^3I, radar, information systems engineering, pattem recognition, machine intelligence, artificial neural networks, information acquisition & processing, and topics in all related fields. Readers are encouraged to submit manuscripts which disclose significant technical aclaievements, indicate exploratory developments, or present significant application for scientific and technological frontiers. Manuscripts should be submitted by website www.sys-ele.com in Word type. All papers are subject to refereeing. Papers should be original and must not have been submitted simultaneously to any other journal. Submitted manuscripts, whether or not they are accepted, will not be returned unless otherwise informed.
The Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics is a joint publication of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, the Chinese Society of Astronautics, the Systems Engineering Society of China, and the Chinese Association for System Simulation. It appears six times a year in English. The editorial board strives to publish well-written papers that present important research results within the journal scope, which includes system analysis, system modeling and simulation, military system analysis, vehicle control, C^3I, radar, information systems engineering, pattem recognition, machine intelligence, artificial neural networks, information acquisition & processing, and topics in all related fields. Readers are encouraged to submit manuscripts which disclose significant technical aclaievements, indicate exploratory developments, or present significant application for scientific and technological frontiers. Manuscripts should be submitted by website www.sys-ele.com in Word type. All papers are subject to refereeing. Papers should be original and must not have been submitted simultaneously to any other journal. Submitted manuscripts, whether or not they are accepted, will not be returned unless otherwise informed.