Based on economic development statistic data of 65 counties in Jiangsu province in 2005, this paper selected 14 representative indicators, and constructed index system to evaluate the county economic strength of Jiangsu province by using factor analysis method. Then according to the frequency histogram of 65 counties' economic strength scores, the recapitulatory distributing characters of the 65 counties' economic strength were distilled and the 65 countries were divided into four main categories: developed regions, less developed regions, least developed regions and undeveloped regions. By using spatial autocorrelation method and according to Global Moran's I and Local Moran's Ii, the spatial differences of county economic strength were analyzed and the causes leading to the formation of its spatial differences were explored. At last, according to economic strength scores and Local Moran's Ii of economic strength scores, the 65 counties economic strength were divided into four main categories in the application of hierarchical clustering analysis method, including thecategoriesofaccumulating-development, core-development, balanced-development and edge-development. The results show that: 1) country economic strength scores' value of Global Moran's I is -0.0691, presenting weak negative correlation and strongly space heterogeneity; 2) Jiangsu province's economic formation is "three peaks and two valleys" from south to north, and the economic strength of cities is stronger than that of surrounding counties; 3) the value of Global Moran's I of economic development lever score is 0.7906, showing the differences of economic development is obvious; the score of economic structure factor and the score of economic benefits factor's value of Global Moran's I are -0.0549 and 0.0076 respectively .Three factors of economic development lever, economic structure and economic benefits take on obvious space inconsistency; 4) with the increasing distance to shanghai, the space concentration of economic strength in southern Jiangsu is gradually decreased; 5) some problems are put forward to be further discussed in the paper.
Human Geography
county ES
factor analysis methods
spatial autocorrelation
hierarchical clustering analysis