

Social Labelling System Sponsored by WTO and Governments
摘要 比利时政府发起的社会标签计划作为一种贸易措施对于提高国际核心劳工标准及促进国际贸易都有积极影响,但是也不能忽视它被滥用的可能性以及间接产生的限制贸易的消极作用。本文首先论证了比利时政府发起的社会标签计划基本上并未违反WTO法,接着呼吁应将社会标签计划尽早纳入世界贸易组织的讨论议程并对如何操作提出具体构想,最后对我国政府和企业如何应对国外社会标签计划提出政策和法律上的建议。 As a trade measure, the social labelling plan sponsored by Belgian government has positive influences on increasing international core labour standards and promoting international trade. However, we cannot ignore the possibility of the abuse of social labelling plan and the indirect negative effects on trade. Firstly, the paper examines the legality of so- cial labelling plan and concludes that it is consistent with the WTO law. Secondly, it calls for incorporating social labelling plan on the agenda of WTO as soon as possible and puts for- ward concrete proposals about it. Finally, it provides our governments and enterprises with some suggestion about how to deal with social labelling plans sponsored by other governments.
作者 孙冬鹤
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期42-49,共8页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
关键词 社会标签 劳工标准 关贸总协定 世界贸易组织 企业社会责任 social label labour standard GATT WTO corporate social responsibility
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  • 1Michael Urminsky(ed)'s Sdf-regulation in the Workplace:Codes of Conduct,Sodal Labdlillg and Socially Responsible Investxnent,MOC working paper No.1,Geneva:International Office,2000,p 45.
  • 2European Parliament Resolution on the Community Norms Applicable to European gaterprises that Op-erate in Developing Countries:rewards a Code of Conduct of 13 January 1999.
  • 3World of Work,the ILO magazine,No.47,June 2003.
  • 4Ulrike Grote's Impact of Trade Sanctions and Social Labelling on Labour Standard,Bridges,VoL 4,1,2000,p.11 and J.Hilowitz's Social Labelling to Combat Chnd Labourl Some Considerations,136 Interna-tional Labour Review 1997,p.215.
  • 5Carlos Lopez-Hurtado'S Social Labdling and WTO Law,Journal of International Economic Law,Sep-tember 2002,pp.719-746,Oxford University Press.
  • 6GATT Panel Report on United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna(Tuna I),D521/R,1991,not adopted.
  • 7Appellate Body Report on Japan-Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages,WT/DS8/AB/R,WT/DSlO/AB/R,WT/DSll/AB/R,adopted on 1 November 1996.
  • 8Panel Report on United States-Restrictions on Imports ofTuna,D621/R,1991,not adopted; See WTO Appellate Body Report on United States-Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline,WT/DS2/ AB/R,1996,adopted on 20 May 1996.
  • 9GATI Panel Report on Japan-Tradein Semi-conductors,L/6309,adopted on 4 May 1988,BISD 35S/116.
  • 10《环境标志制度与中国人世的相关思考》,http://www.ccpcc.com/.


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