通过对一些油田的固井前准备工作以及固井用水泥浆、固井设备、固井工艺进行筛选,介绍了目前应用效果较好的固井工艺技术及设备,并介绍了几种主要的漏失井应用的防漏堵漏工艺技术,为了提高井壁的稳定性介绍了几种井壁稳定技术;MTC矿渣体系是一种新型的胶结剂,其不但具有水泥浆的特性,而且具有一些特殊性质(浆体稳定、失水小、易与水泥浆相容等);对于固井设备我国的海上油田与陆上油田相比,空间相对狭小,因此,针对这种情况开发出了G JQ系列双机双泵模块化新型多功能棍装固井设备,其体积小巧、拆装方便、功能齐全、工作效率高。在油田对固井工艺的不断研究中,探索出内插管正循环固井工艺技术,这种技术完全可以避免日前上窜(飞出来)、下沉、埋地部分泄漏等储气井安全隐患。这些技术设备对油田的固井技术具有指导和借鉴意义。
According to the preparing work of cementing and sieving of cement slurry, cementing equipment and cementing technology in some oilfields, the effective cementing technology and equipment now are introduced in the paper. The technology of leak resistance and leak stopping of leakoff well is also introduced. Several kinds of well-bore stability technologies are introduced to enhance the stability of well-bore. MTC slag is a new cementing agent which has characteristic of cement slurry and some special character of slurry stability, low dehydration and well compatibility with cement slurry. About cementing equipment, the space of oilfields on the sea is narrow when compared with oilfields on the land. Therefore, the cementing equipment of GJQ double machinery and double pμmp modular new type multifunctional rod is developed. It has advantages of small volμme, convenient installation and disasscmbly,complete function and high working efficiency. In continuous research of cementing technology in oilfield, the cementing by inside-inserting pipe in direct circulation is probed to avoid the hazardous factor of upward flow, subsidence and underground leaking of storage gas well. The technologies and equipments has the guiding sense to cementing technology in oilfield.
Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry
Cementing Equipment
Cementing Technology
Cementing Agent
Leak Resistance and Leak Stopping