
南京市儿童医院门诊儿童隐孢子虫病的流行病学调查 被引量:6

The Epidemiological Study on Cryptosporidiosis in Outpatients of Nanjing Children's Hospital
摘要 目的调查南京市儿童医院门诊儿童隐孢子虫病的流行情况,进而了解2008年夏秋季节南京及周边地区儿童人群中隐孢子虫病的流行情况。方法收集2008年7~8月份和9~10月份两个时间段南京市儿童医院门诊儿童粪样,用改良抗酸染色和金胺酚-改良抗酸复合染色法,检查粪样中的隐孢子虫卵囊。同时,随机收集部分门诊儿童的血样,通过分子生物学技术纯化特异性隐孢子虫重组蛋白SA35,用微粒子免疫检测法检测血清中抗SA35IgG抗体水平。结果共收集儿童医院门诊儿童的粪样2268份,血样207份。粪样隐孢子虫检出率为0.97%,血检结果阳性率为29.95%,经卡方检验,粪检和血检的阳性率在性别之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);但血检阳性率1岁以上的儿童比1岁以内的儿童明显增高(P<0.05)。结论南京及周边地区门诊儿童在夏秋季仍然存在隐孢子虫感染,需要进一步加强血检以监控隐孢子虫病的传播。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in children of Nanjing and its surrounding areas in 2008. Method We collected children's stool samples from July to August and September to October in Nanjing Children's Hospital. Stool samples were primarily screened by modified acid-fast straining, and sequentially diagnosed by auramine phenol fluorescence-modified acid-fast complex straining. We also randomly collected serum samples of the outpatients to detect specific immunoglobulin G to recombinant SA35 protein of Cryptosporidium which is perified by molecular biology techniques through microbeads immunoassay (MIA). Result 2268 stool samples of children were collected during the two time periods. The prevalence of cryptosporidiosis is 0.97% according to parasitological microscopy. 207 serum samples collected and analyzed, the positive rate of anti-SA35 IgG is 29.95%. There is no significant difference between the prevalence of male and female (P〉0.05) by stool parasitological examination, whereas significant difference exists between the prevalence of the children under 1 year old and above 1 year old (P〈0.05) by MIA. Conclusion Children of Nanjing and its surrounding regions are still at risk of cryptosporidiosis infection in summer and autumn. Serological diagnosis and surveillance study for cryptosporidium infection is needed for the control of this disease.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第4期382-385,391,共5页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
基金 江苏省病原生物学重点实验室开放课题基金(No.Y2005)
关键词 门诊儿童 隐孢子虫病 粪检 微粒子免疫检测 流行率 outpatients cryptosporidiosis stool examination mierobeads immunoassay prevalence
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