
芳纶纤维布加固小偏压混凝土柱试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study on Reinforced Concrete Column Wrapped with AFRP under Little Eccentric Pressure
摘要 对芳纶纤维布(AFRP)横向约束的混凝土矩形小偏心受压柱进行了静载性能的试验研究,测得了小偏心受压柱加固后的极限承载力、混凝土的荷载—应变曲线、AFRP的荷载—应变曲线,研究了AFRP环向约束钢筋混凝土柱对延性的提高作用,分析了在纤维布用量相同时,条带宽度、间距对加固效果的影响。在此基础上,提出了相应的分析方法和计算公式,试验结果与计算值吻合良好。 The reinforced concrete rectangular columns wrapped with aramid fiber sheets under little eccentric pressure are studied for the static load performance experimentally.The ultimate bearing capacity of the columns and the load-strain curves of the concrete and the aramid fiber sheets are obtained.The central of the reinforced concrete column bound with the AFRP is enhanced ductilely.In the analysis of the same amount of fiber cloth,the influence of the strip width and pitch on reinforcement effects is studied.Based on the test results,an analysis method and a formula are proposed,and the good agreement between the test and theoretical results is achieved.
出处 《水利与建筑工程学报》 2009年第2期95-98,共4页 Journal of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering
关键词 芳纶纤维布 小偏心受压 混凝土柱 条带加固 aramid fiber reinforced polymer(AFRP) little eccentric compression concrete column strip reinforcement
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