北宋行书大家米芾享誉书坛。他笔力雄健,浑朴凝重,敛放自如,俊挺伟茂,神完气足,气势恢弘,尤以侧锋取势,灵活多变,充满艺术魅力。自宋以降,效习者众。而今,中年书法家崔世焘对"米"字情有独钟, 40多年来,刻苦钻研,固志不倦,对"米南宫"的运笔、章法及气韵颇有领悟,尤其是在结字的研习上最为深透,既继承古贤的优良传统技艺,又勇于开拓创新,创建自己的书风,不求形似,而重神似,以欹为正,游丝牵引,气韵隽秀,俊逸爽朗,神采飞扬,独具风神。文章对其所取得的艺术成就的原因和特色作扼要的剖析和中肯的美学评价。
The calligrapher of running hand in Beisong dynasty , Mi Fei , whose calligraphy is imposing , powerful and unconstrained, and we can feel energetic, flexible and charming element in his writing skill from characters. His writing style is imitated by many generations. Nowadays , Cui Shitao , a fan of " Mi style " , has studied Mi' s writing for more than 40 years, working hard at learning the running of stroke, the layout of the character and then he developed his own style by deep understanding of others' . His writing style inherits the traditional skill as well as develops in his own way, that is , unlike in form , but similar in spirit. This essay will give some comment on the achievement and characteristics of Cui ' s calligraphy.
Journal of Lincang Education College