
创业及融资中的行政官僚腐败研究 被引量:1

Study on the Administrative Bureaucratism and Corruption on Entrepreneurial Start-up Financing
摘要 文章利用一个关于生产个体项目选择、政府机构进入管制和不完善金融市场的模型研究了官僚作风和腐败对创业企业融资的影响,指出官僚作风和行政腐败是内生的,政府官僚作风滋生了行政腐败,揭示了官僚作风和腐败都阻止企业的活动,它们的存在恶化了金融市场的低效率和不完善性,影响金融市场的产出,这样也反过来强化了官僚作风和官僚腐败的负面效应,从而增加创业企业融资的成本,打击个体参与经济活动的积极性,影响企业创业融资的效率,阻碍创业企业的发展,破坏社会经济绩效。 There is lots of red tape or bureaueratism, which is the set of rules and regulations that private agents are obliged to comply with in order to engage in entrepreneurial activity, in government organization around the world. This article studies the effects of bureau- eratism and corruption in a model of occupational choice, entry regulation and imperfect capital markets. Corruption is the payment of bribes to public officials for the purpose of circumventing bureaueratism. The paper points out that bureaueratism and corruption are endogenous, to the bureaucratic process and examines the interactions between them. The paper shows that both bureauerafism and corruption deter entrepreneurial activity, affects financial market outcomes. The existence of bureaueratism and corruption compounds the effects of both aggregate uncertainty and capital market frictions, each of which compounds the negative effects of bureaueratism and eorrnption. Consequently, they increase the cost of entrepreneurial set - up financing, impact their efficiency, block their development, suppress individual enthusiasm of engaging in entrepreneurial activity, and breach the performance of society and economy.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2009年第4期125-130,共6页 East China Economic Management
基金 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(CSTC2008BB9342)
关键词 官僚作风 官僚腐败 创业融资 金融市场 bureaucratism bureaucratic corruption financial market entrepreneurial start-up financing
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