

Preparation of an Inactivaated Emulsion-oil Vacine Against Pigen Newcastle Didease with 4 Componets of Materials
摘要 采用鸽新城疫ND—GS O1株毒为种毒。通过种子毒在非免疫健康鸡胚上增殖动态的试验研究表明,ND病毒在羊水、尿囊膜(包含羊膜)、尿囊液中含量较高、增殖动态趋于一致,而在胚体及卵黄中含量较低。因此,在此基础上,研制出四元材料(尿囊液、尿囊膜、羊膜、羊水)混合油乳剂灭活苗。经急性毒性试验,安全性检验,最佳免疫剂量测定,效力试验综合分析,表明该疫苗抗原性良好,对健康鸽都很安全。每鸽皮下注射0.5mL疫苗后用红细胞凝集抑制试验(HI)检测抗体,免疫后9d抗体效价开始上升(平均为3.1log2),21d达到峰值(平均为9.2log2)。180d仍可维持较高水平(平均为6.7log2)。免疫后30d、90d、180d用强毒株200ELD50/0.1mL攻击,其保护指数均为100%。疫苗在11℃~20℃下保存30d、60d、90d,4℃-8℃下保存30d、60d、90d、120d、180d,疫苗的性状和免疫特性不变。 Newcastle disease(ND) virus GS O1 was inoculated into the healthy embryonated results, showed that titers of shedding virus in allantonic membrane, amniotic membrane and allantonic water were consistently higher but lower in the embryonic body and yolk,Based on this fact,an inactivated of oilemulsion vaccine wad prepated using mixed materials from allantonic membrane,allantonic water, amnitic membrane and amniotic water. The data fron a series of tests including acute virulence, safety, optimal immunization dose and protective efficacy suggested that the vaccine of mixed materials was highly immunogenic and safe for ghe healthy pigeons. The hemagglutinin-inhibition (HI)antibody wasdetected after the subcutaneous administration of 0.5mlvaccine in pigeons. The HI antibody titers of pigeons increased to 3. 11log2 at 9d post vaccination,reached the peak of 9.21log2at 21d and remained high level of 6. 7log2 at 180d. The immunized piegons were challenged wigh 200EDLD50/0. lmL highly paghogenic virus at the different time points of 30d ,90d and 180dafter the vaccination,respectively. The pigeons were completely protected with the 100percent of protective efficacy. The vaccine was kept at 11 - 20℃ over a period of 30d,60d and 90d of at 4 - 8℃ for 30d, 60d,90d, 120d and 180d without any changes of characteristic and immunogenicity.
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2009年第3期20-22,共3页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 ND 四元材料 油乳剂灭活疫苗 Newcastle Disease(ND) 4 components of materials Inactivated emulsion-oil Vaccine Pigeons
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