
压力知觉量表在大学生样本中的因素结构研究 被引量:22

A Research on the Factors Structure of PSS-10 in Testing the College Students
摘要 分别对414名和163名大学生的PSS-10进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,确定量表的因素结构。结果表明:探索性因素分析,PSS-10可以抽取两个因子。验证性因素分析表明二因素相关模型对数据有更好的拟合。两因子及总量表的内部一致性信度可以接受。危机知觉因子存在显著的性别和年级差异,而应对能力知觉因子没有性别和年级差异。回归分析表明,对男生,两因素都可以解释抑郁分数的变异,但对女生则只有危机因素可以预测抑郁分数。因此,PSS-10是包含两个相互关联维度的测量。 To examine the factors structure and psychometric properties of perceived stress scale (PSS-10) when administered to undergraduates. Methods: PSS-10 was evaluated with Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with two samples of 414 and 163 undergraduates. Results: The results of EFA indicate that there are two factors, ie. perceived distress and perceived coping ability, in PSS-10. And the CFA show that the model of two factors correlation fits better to the data. The internal consisteney reliability of the two factors and the whole scale are both acceptable. And there are significant differences between different grades and genders in the factor of perceived distress. No difference is found between grades and genders in the factor of perceived coping ability. Regression analysis indicates that, for males, both factors account for independent variance in depression, whereas for females, only the distress factor is related to depression. Conclusion: PSS-10 has two correlated dimensions.
作者 袁立新 林娜
出处 《广东教育学院学报》 2009年第2期45-49,共5页 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute
关键词 压力知觉量表 危机知觉 应对能力知觉 抑郁 因素分析 PSS-10 perceived distress perceived coping ability depression factor analysis
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