
从三个国家英语教师的个案看教学理念与教学行为 被引量:2

Teachers' Beliefs and Practice through Case Study of the Three Countries
摘要 对中国、日本和巴基斯坦中学英语教学的课堂观察和对其教师的访谈个案研究,结果表明:亚洲不同国家中学教师的教学理念和教学行为差异主要受语言环境、动机和教师职前教育的影响。针对这些影响因素,应该建立正确的英语教师教育理念体系,培养教师反思意识和建立完善教师教育制度,从而提高教师在非母语环境下的外语教学的能力。 The study was carried out on Asia teachers' beliefs and practice through classroom observation and interview with the teachers from China, Japan and Pakistan. The findings of this study reveal that the differences were mainly caused by language environment, motivation and background education. In light of these factors in its differences, the paper suggests that the correct language educational system of beliefs be built up, the teachers' awareness of reflection be enhanced and the system of teachers' education be improved so as to improve EFL teachers'teaching competence in non-native English speaking countries.
作者 李华
出处 《广东教育学院学报》 2009年第2期102-107,共6页 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute
关键词 中学 英语教师 理念 行为 middle school English teachers beliefs practice
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