
零售业顾客缺货反应研究评述 被引量:6

Review on Buyer Reaction to Product Stockout in Retail Market
摘要 零售业主要是销售消费用品,直接面向终端顾客。关于缺货反应的研究,对后期的零售业具有重大的借鉴意义。缺货问题涉及供应链管理、顾客关系管理等诸多方面,它的研究对制造商、经销商、零售商都有很大的指导作用。否则,商品缺货可能导致零售门店损失销售额,也会削弱消费者对零售商和缺货商品品牌的信赖。 Retail focuses on the sales of consumption products with terminal customers. The study on buyer reaction to product stockout proves important to the follow-up retail, e. g. guiding manufacturer, intermediaries and retailer, because this is an issue related to many aspects of supply chain management and customer management. Otherwise, product stockout may undermine the retail sales as wells as lowering customer trust in retailer and out - of - stock product brand.
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期134-138,共5页 Commercial Research
关键词 零售业 顾客缺货反应 反应类型 影响变量 retail buyer reaction to product stockout response category variable
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