IEC61588 Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems(Ed.22008)已经被我国采标,目前进入中文标准报批阶段,中文名称为:用于网络化测量和控制系统的精确时钟同步协议。本文对该标准的主要内容进行介绍,并给出IEC61588版本2与版本1的不同。
IEC 61588 Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems(Ed.2 2008) as the adopted standard in China, it is being transferred into Chinese national standard. At present, Draft Standard(DS) has been finished. The paper describes the main contents of the standard, and shows the difference between the edition 2 and edition 1 of IEC 61588.
Instrument Standardization & Metrology