
面条轴向压缩力学模型的建立 被引量:6

Axial Compression Mechanical Model Establishment of Chinese Noodle
摘要 以市售袋装挂面为原料,进行面条轴向压缩弯曲试验。用摄像机记录面条断裂的全过程,用视频定位及CAD重新生成方法测定面条断裂瞬间的端部转角,端部转角的实际测定用割线逼近法和近似轮廓线法进行测定,结果表明近似轮廓线法测定结果与逐步逼近法测定的结果误差较小,可以代表实际的测定结果。面条的弹性模量用三点弯曲方法测定。用压弯组合力学模型模拟面条的轴向压缩弯曲过程,通过推导得出端部转角公式计算出理论值,并与实际测定结果进行比较,结果表明模型计算值与实际测定值基本一致,可以用于计算面条发生轴向弯曲时端部转角的计算,为简化面条断条率的计算方法提供了参考。 The axial compression bent method was used to test dried noodle gained from supermarket. The whole process was recorded with a camera and video, the instant noodle fracture was captured with the CAD Generation method, and the rotational angle was tested at the end. The rotational angle was tested with approximate contour law and compared with the approximate secant approximation method. Results show that the approximate contour law giving similar value as in the gradual approximation could represent the actual values. Elastic modulus of noodle was determined by the three - point bend method. A mechanical model was used in the calculation of rotational angle at the end and the theory value was calculated by formula deduction. The theory value is basically in accordance with the tested actual value. The model could be used to calculate rotational angle and it could provide reference for instrument analysis of break rate in bending for Chinese noodle.
出处 《中国粮油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期159-162,共4页 Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
关键词 挂面 轴向压缩 力学模型 端部转角 noodle, axial compression, mechanical model, rotational angle
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