As a dedicated digital media processor, DM642 provides a rich multimedia signal processing instructions. If it can take full advantage of these instructions, capability of the multimedia data processing will be improved greatly. However, embedded systems and PC are very different. In addition, the size of memory space of DM642 is limited. With the program development on it, we need consider fully the combination of hardware features. Having used DM642 embedded system to do the basic research in the image coding, this article discussed mainly the adjustment of coding software flow chart, use and management of the memory system, code-optimization. Moreover, implement and optimization of the image coding were based on DM642 embedded systems, to adapt to the characteristics of embedded systems, to code structure clear, to maintain and update easy, and to optimize deep step by step. The inosculate of the software algorithms and the hardware structural characteristics improved the speed of real-time encoding significantly, and solved effectively many questions, such as the excessive complexity of hardware systems, high cost, unsteadiness over the past, and so on.
Control & Automation