
Estimation of Wave Forces on Large Compliant Platforms 被引量:1

Estimation of Wave Forces on Large Compliant Platforms
摘要 Compliant offshore structures such as spars,tension leg platforms(TLPs) and semi-submersibles have been dramatically improved in recent years due to their capability for deep water operation. Waves are the most important environmental phenomenon affecting these offshore structures. Estimation of wave forces is vital in offshore structure design. For large compliant offshore platforms,Morrison's equation is not valid anymore and usually diffraction theory is used. In this research,by using the finite difference method,a detailed analysis of the first-order diffraction of monochromatic waves on a large cylinder as a structural element is performed to solve the radiation and diffraction potentials. The results showed that the developed model is a reliable tool to estimate the wave forces and hydrodynamic coefficients on large structure elements when wave diffraction and radiation are considered. Compliant offshore structures such as spars, tension leg platforms (TLPs) and semi-submersibles have been dramatically improved in recent years due to their capability for deep water operation. Waves are the most important environmental phenomenon affecting these offshore structures. Estimation of wave forces is vital in offshore structure design. For large compliant offshore platforms, Morrison's equation is not valid anymore and usually diffraction theory is used. In this research, by using the finite difference method, a detailed analysis of the first-order diffraction of monochromatic waves on a large cylinder as a structural element is performed to solve the radiation and diffraction potentials. The results showed that the developed model is a reliable tool to estimate the wave forces and hydrodynamic coefficients on large structure elements when wave diffraction and radiation are considered.
出处 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2009年第2期121-126,共6页 中国海洋大学学报(英文版)
关键词 Laplace equation finite difference method wave diffraction wave radiation 张力腿平台 波浪力 兼容 估计 衍射理论 离岸结构 有限差分法 结构性因素
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