The results of experimental research of multi-injector combustors in the regime of the attached pipe are presented.As a source of high-enthalpy working gas (air), hot shot wind tunnel IT-302M of ITAM, the Siberian Branch ofthe Russian Academy of Sciences was used. Tests have been carried out at Mach numbers 3,4 and 5, in a range ofchange of total temperature from 2000K up to 3000K and static pressure from 0.08MPa up to 0.23MPa. Injectorsection has been manufactured in two versions with a various relative height of wedge-shaped injectors with parallelfuel injection. Influence of conditions on the entrance of the combustion chamber on ignition and a stablecombustion of hydrogen was investigated. Intensive combustion of hydrogen has been received only at Machnumbers 3 and 4. Advantage of injector section with the greater relative height of injectors is revealed. Themechanism of fuel ignition in the combustion chamber of the given configuration was investigated: two-step ignitionprocess including 'kindling' and intensive combustion over all channel volume.