

A Rapid Method for Obtaining Water Retention Curve of Cement-Based Materials
摘要 通过对不同的水泥净浆、砂浆和混凝土进行水蒸气吸附试验,得到其宏观吸附等温线和微观孔径分布规律.结果表明,水化水泥凝胶是水泥基材料具有持水能力的直接原因,集料等非亲水性成分的影响则很少.提出了由同水灰比水泥净浆持水能力曲线和材料配合比来快速、直接地计算砂浆、混凝土持水能力曲线的方法,对水泥基材料实际性能评价和耐久性设计与评价具有一定意义. The moisture adsorption tests were carried out on different cement pastes,mortars and concrete.The results from the adsorption isotherms and the pore distribution show that it is the hydrated gels that make cement-based materials have the ability of water retention,and non-hydrophilic agents,such as aggregates,contribute little for it.A rapid and direct method for obtaining the water retention curve of cement mortar and cement concrete,by combining measurement of the water retention curve of cement paste with the same water cement ratio with the original mixture of mortar and concrete,is proposed.This method has great significance on the actual property evaluation and durability design of cement-based materials.
出处 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期201-204,共4页 Journal of Building Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50472042) 博士点基金资助项目(20050497010)
关键词 水泥基材料 持水能力曲线 水蒸气吸附 耐久性 cement-based materials water retention curve moisture adsorption durability
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