
原发疾病隐匿的布-加综合征11例临床分析 被引量:1

Clinical analysis of 11 Budd-Chiari syndrome cases which occurred from occult primary disease
摘要 目的分析继发于其他疾病的布-加(Budd-Chiari)综合征的临床特点。方法回顾性分析2002—2008年在本院诊断为布加综合征的48例患者的临床资料,分析其病因。结果48例患者中37例为原发性布-加综合征,仅11例患者系由其他具有较隐匿原发疾病所继发的布加综合征。其中以肝细胞癌居多。临床多以腹水、上消化道大出血等门脉高压症状为首发表现。治疗主要采取畅通管腔及针对原发病的治疗。结论以布-加综合征为首发症状、原发疾病隐匿的患者不常见,应引起重视。 Objective To analyze Clinical features of secondary Budd -Chiari syndrome (B-CS). Methods The clinical etidogy and features of 48 patients who were diagnosed B-CS in West China Hospital of Sichuan University between 2002 and 2008 were analyzed by retrospective study. Results There are 37 primary as 13-CS cases and 11 secondary cases. Most of these 11 cases showed portal hypertension symptom, such as ascites and upper digestive tract hemorrhage,as the first symptom. Hepatocellular carcinoma is discovered as the main primary disease of these secondary cases. Conclusion Secondary B-CS is uncommon, more attention should he paid to discover the primary disease as soon as Dossible.
出处 《肝脏》 2009年第2期108-110,共3页 Chinese Hepatology
关键词 布-加综合征 肝细胞癌 门静脉高压 Budd-Chiari syndrome Hepatocellular carcinoma Portal hypertention
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