
工程选材组合评价模式的研究及其应用 被引量:10

Research and Application of Combined Assessment Model for Engineering Materials Selection
摘要 在分析加权平均法、模糊综合评价法、TOPSIS法和灰色关联度评价法各自优缺点的基础之上,针对单一评价方法的不足,运用序号总和理论与众数理论,结合上述4种多指标评价方法,建立工程选材组合评价模式。以低温存储罐材料的选择为例,从功能性和经济性角度出发,选择了8种评价指标,由层次分析法得到10种候选材料的评价指标的权重,运用上述组合评价模式进行组合评价。结果表明,全硬态301型不锈钢是最佳的低温存储罐材料,与客观实际相符,且组合评价模式所得排序结果优于单一评价方法。在工程设计中使用组合评价模式进行选材评价,有助于弥补单一评价法的缺陷,是工程选材决策的有力工具。 On the base of analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of weighted average, fuzzy assessment, TOPSIS and grey assessment, aimed for the deficiency of single assessment method, combined assessment model (CAM) is established by combining four kinds of multi-objective methods mentioned above with the theory of serial number summation and mode theory. Taking the choice of storage pot material under low temperature working condi- tion as an example, 10 kinds of candidate materials, selected based on functionality and economic, whose weight set of 8 kinds of assessment indexes obtained by analytic hierarchy process, are evaluated by using CAM. The results show that the 301 stainless steel is the best storage pot material under low temperature working condition, which is in accordance with the actuality, and conclusion obtained from CAM excels any result of single method. CAM contributes to atonement for the deficiency of single assessment method in engineering design. It is a powerful tool for making decision in engineering materials selection.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期74-78,共5页 Materials Reports
基金 甘肃省教育厅科研项目基金(0511-04) 甘肃省自然科学基金项目(ZS022-A25-030)
关键词 工程材料 组合评价 材料选择 engineering materials, combined assessment, materials selection
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