
后塔利班时代印度在阿富汗的战略利益 被引量:2

India's Strategic Interests in Afghanistan in the Post-Taliban Era
摘要 在后塔利班时代,印度在阿富汗的主要战略利益有:削弱巴基斯坦的影响;借助阿富汗与中亚发展关系;防止阿富汗动乱的局势外溢至克什米尔地区;与阿富汗联手打击跨境犯罪。为实现这些利益,除对阿富汗进行大量援助外,印度还采取了政治、经济、安全等措施以促进与阿富汗的关系。由于面临着来自巴基斯坦的战略挑战以及受阿富汗持续动荡局势的制约,要想实现这些利益,印度还要走很长的路。 In the Post-Taliban Era, India's strategic interests in Afghanistan include: weakening Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan, developing relations with Central Asia via Afghanistan, preventing the turbulent situation of Afghanistan from overflowing to the Kashmir region and cooperating with Afghanistan to combat cross-border crime. To realize these interests, apart from providing Afghanistan with large amount of assistance, India has also improved Indian-Afghan relations with political, economic and security measures. However, confronted with strategic challenges from Pakistan, and restricted by turbulent situation in Afghanistan, India has difficulty realizing these interests.
作者 时宏远
出处 《贵州财经学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期26-31,共6页 Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics
关键词 后塔利班时代 印度 阿富汗 巴基斯坦 战略利益 post-Taliban era India Afghanistan Pakistan strategic interests
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