准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in stiu keratomileusis,LASIK),具有预测性和稳定性高,术后反应轻、恢复快等优点,已成为矫治近视的主要屈光手术,近年来诸多有关LASIK术后患者玻璃体、视网膜、视神经病变的报道,使人们开始关注LASIK手术对眼后段的影响。但准分子激光手术是否引起眼内组织结构的改变,术中负压吸引环所致的眼压瞬间升高是否导致眼后段结构功能的病变,一直是人们所关注的问题。本研究就LASIK术后对玻璃体、视网膜、视神经、黄斑等眼后段结构及功能的影响作一综述,以期为临床屈光手术医生提供一定的参考。
Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is the prmiary operation in treating myopia with higher validity,predictability and fewer complications. There have been reports of an association between LASIK and ocular posterior segment pathology.People always pay close attention to that high vacuum suctoin during LASIK is considered to be a probable cause to transient high intraocular pressure,therefore lead to the structure and function of ocular posterior segment with the lesion. This review summarizes the current understanding of the structure and function of the vitreous body, retina,optic nerve,and macularect ocular posterior segment pathology after LASIK that have undergone refractive surgery.
Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control