
元搜索引擎研究综述 被引量:13

Overviews on Meta-search Engine Researches
摘要 介绍元搜索引擎的起源与发展、基本原理和分类,重点从元搜索引擎关键技术的实现上阐述元搜索引擎研究的主要内容与进展,最后分析现有元搜索引擎存在的各种局限性,归纳出未来值得研究和探讨的若干方向。 Meta-search is emerging as one of the hot topics and one of the main tools in information retrieval, its basic principles and categories are introduced firstly in this paper, and the advancements of researches on meta-search engine are subsequently introduced from the implementation of key technologies. Finally, the authors conclude the limitations and some significantly promising tendency about meta-search engine.
作者 吴小兰 汪琪
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期46-49,共4页 Library and Information Service
基金 安徽财经大学信息工程学院青年项目"电子商务网站自适应技术的设计与实现"(项目编号:xgky2008005)研究成果之一
关键词 元搜索引擎 个性化 信息检索 meta-search engine personalization information retrieval
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