
石油降解菌的筛选及其产表面活性剂的研究 被引量:6

Isolation of Bacteria for Degradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Its Characteristics of Biosurfactants
摘要 从克拉玛依油田土壤分离纯化出3株石油降解菌,经鉴定DM-1和DM-3为芽孢杆菌属细菌,DM-2为假单孢菌属细菌,菌株DM-1,DM-2和DM-3降解率分别达到59.02%,62.02%和73.51%。排油实验、表面张力和油水乳化稳定性测定表明3株菌产生的表面活性剂能降低液体表面张力,具有较强的乳化原油的能力。实验证明菌株DM-1,DM-2和DM-3产脂肽、脂蛋白类表面活性物质,表面活性剂的产生为生长相关型,在对数生长期产表面活性剂,48小时浓度达到最大,分别为1.78g/L,2.15g/L和2.75g/L。 Three strains of bacteria were isolated with crude oil as sole carbon source from oil contaminated soil of Kelamayi. Strains DM-1 and DM-3 both belonged to Bacillus sp. and strains DM-2 belonged to Pseudomonaa sp. i- dentified by momhological and biological tests. The oil degradation rates of three strains were 59.02% ,62.02% and 73.51% respectively. The experiments of oil displacement, surface tension and the emulsion stability showed that biosurfactant produced by three bacterial strains could reduce the surface tension and had high emulsification activity. The experimental results indicated that three strains produced biosurfactant composed of lipopoptides and lipoproteins which was the mode of growth correlativity. Biosurfactant produced in their logarithmic growth period could reach its maximum concentration which wasl. 78 g/L, 2.15g/L and 2.75g/L respectively in 48 hours.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第2期221-225,共5页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
基金 新世纪优秀人才计划(NCET-04-0989)
关键词 石油降解菌 降解率 生物表面活性剂 oil degradation bacteria degradation rates biosurfactant
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