2Chris Reed and John Angel. Computer Law [ M ]. LexisNexis Butterworths ,5 th edition,2000, at p. 110.
3Jill Poole. Casebook on Contract Law[ M ] . Oxford University Press ,6th edition,2001, at p. 288 -289.
4Richard Cole. Must Computer Programs be fit for their Purpose. Some Reflections on St. Albans v ICL[ J]. JBL June 1997, at p, 23 - 55.
5Ian J Lloyd. Information Technology Law [ M ]. LexisNexis Butterworths ,3rd edition,2002, at p. 89 - 92.
6Jill Poole. Casebook on Contract Law[ M ]. Oxford University Press ,6th edition, 2002,at p. 562. Computer Law Chris Reed and John Angel fifth edition Oxford.
7Ewan Mekendrick. Contract Law[ M ]. LexisNexis Butterworths ,5th edition ,2003 at p. 199.
8Hugh Collins. The Law of Contract [ M]. Sweet & Maxwell ,4th edition, at p. 276.
9I Sam Business Systems Limited v Hedley and Company Bowsher, TCC 19 Dec 02.
10Except as set out in the preceding paragraphs of this section 3.2, there are no warranties, either expressedor implied, by this agreement. These include, but are not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and all such warranties are expressly disclaimed to the extent permissible by law. [ 3.3 ] Except as provided in clauses 3.2 and 3.3, SAM will not be responsible for any direct, incidental or consequential damages such as, but not limited to, loss of profits resulting from the use of the software, even if SAM have been advised of the possibility of such damage. Except as provided in clauses 3.2 and 3.3, any liability to which SAM might otherwise become subject shall, in aggregate, be limited to the license fee paid. " SAM Business Systems Limited v Hedley and Company Bowsher, TCC 19 Dec 02.