
乐声:中国音乐的一种历史 被引量:1

Music Sound:A History of Chinese Music
摘要 乐声是一种艺术、一种文化、一种充满智慧与情感的声波,是音乐作品的最终形态,具有人文与自然的双重属性。通过对乐声的今存、历史、特色及传存规律的梳理,我们可以看出乐声记录着人心、人情、人性、人间,也记录着社会、民族、意识、天地,是人类最动听的历史。乐声的历程标示着音乐的发展。不断地倾听中国的乐声,就如同感受与倾听着中国音乐的历史:它的内涵、它的美好,它不断变化着的发展和总是前进的脚步。对于今存的乐声,作为历史的遗响,本文从录制的音乐、现存的乐种、乐谱与文献、传存乐器等四个方面进行了考证分析;考察历代乐声的顺向的发展,本文依照了远古、上古、中古、近古、现代的历史分期,依次承传;对于时代乐声的传存规律,本文从中外各国共同的历史现象即乐声信息的存贮在不同时代有不同的方式,当代乐声及其后代传存有异有同,乐声传存与时代的科技、文化相关这三个方面进行了阐述。 Music sound is an art, a culture and a sound wave full of wisdom and emotion ; it is the ultimate form of music words. Music sound has double nature of humanity and nature. By systematically analyzing the existence, history, characteristics and developing laws of music sound, we can see that music sound records human mind, human emotion, human nature and human communication and it is the most beautiful history recording the society, nationality, consciousness and world. History of music sound signifies the development of music ; listening to Chinese music sound is just like listening to the history of Chinese music. Its connotation, its beauty and its constant development are always progresses forward. The music sound existing today as the sound of history can be analyzed in four aspects: recorded music, existing music, score and literature, and musical instruments. The chronological development of music sound is studied in the historical segments of remote ancient times, ancient, times, middle ancient times, near ancient times and modern times. The developing laws of music sound are illustrated in three aspects : different approaches of music information storage, development of contemporary music, and relationship between music development and modern technology and culture.
作者 郑锦扬
出处 《艺术百家》 北大核心 2009年第3期73-80,116,共9页 Hundred Schools In Arts
基金 2009年度华侨大学"高层次人才科研启动费"(项目编号:09BS301)阶段性成果之一
关键词 音乐艺术 乐声 中国音乐 历史 发展 时代 文献 传存规律 musical art music sound history development times literature developing laws
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  • 3临淇翻译外网Du Jun Min先生唱片小史,http://blog.slna.com.cn/s/blog_4cflec920100967s.html.
  • 4朱自清.《“海阔天空”与“古今中外”》,选自《朱自清经典作品(第二版)》,当代世界出版社2007年版,第158页.
  • 5刘涛.百年老唱片蕴藏着艺术长河的辉煌乐章(上)[J].音响技术,2009(6):70-72. 被引量:4









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