采用反相乳液聚合法,以丙烯酰胺(AM)、2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)、十八烷基二甲基烯丙基氯化铵(MJ-18)为原料,合成了疏水缔合AM/AMPS/MJ-18三元共聚物,考察了反应条件对乳液稳定性、单体转化率、共聚物特性粘数及抗盐性的影响。确定了最佳合成条件:反应温度25℃,过硫酸铵/亚硫酸氢钠引发剂加量(以水相质量计)0.15%,Span-80/ Tween-80复配乳化剂加量(以油相质量计)6%,油水体积比1:1,体系pH值7~9,单体总加量(以水相质量计)50%,其中疏水单体MJ-18含量0.6%。
A hydrophobically associating AM/AMPS/MJ - 18 terpolymer was synthesized by inverse emulsion polymerization using acrylamide(AM), 2 - acrylamido - 2 - methylpropanesulfonic acid ( AMPS), octadecyl dimethyl allyl ammonium chloride (MJ - 18 ) as raw materials. The effects of reaction conditions on the emulsion stability, monomer conversion, intrinsic viscosity, and saltresistance were investigated. The optimum synthetic condition was determined as follows: reaction temperature was 25℃, ammonium persulfate/sodium bisulfite initiator was 0. 15% (based on aq. phase mass), Span -80/Tween -80 compound emulsifier was 6% (based on oil phase mass), oil/water ratio was 1 : 1 (v/v), the pH of system was 7 -9, total addition amount of the monomers was 50% ( based on aq. phase mass), and MJ - 18 content was 0.6%.
Advances in Fine Petrochemicals