基于组织学习与知识管理理论,将组织学习过程的4I模型与知识创新的SEC I模型进行整合与扩展,探讨了组织学习的个体、团队及组织3个层次与隐性知识与显性知识2类知识形式的对应关系,以及组织学习过程与隐性-显性知识相互转化过程的动态匹配关系。与以往研究中将知识转移、共享与扩散作为一个知识的单向传递过程所不同的是,认为知识转化是一个螺旋上升的循环过程,是包含知识创新的持续学习过程,而IT将促进组织学习与知识转化的结合。最后,通过一个案例分析以展示IT对企业组织学习与知识转化的积极影响。
This paper integrates and expands the 4I model of organizational learning process and the SECI model of knowledge innovation based on the theory of organizational learning and knowledge management. It presents the corresponding relationships between the three levels of learning (individual, group and organization) and two types of knowledge (tacit and explicit), and then explores how the transformation of tacit-explicit knowledge fits the dynamic process of organizational learning. We find that the knowledge transformation is not a one-way process, but a spiral cycling one which contains the continuous knowledge innovation; the information technology will promote the combination of organizational learning and knowledge transformation meanwhile. Finally, a case study is presented to demonstrate the positive impacts of information technology on the organizational learning and the knowledge transformation.
Chinese Journal of Management