

The Parisianity of "Parisian Dream"
摘要 对现代生活的关注贯穿了波德莱尔的一生。他的诗歌经验是特定历史条件下的产物,带有历史赋予的鲜明特征。作为诗人最重要的作品之一的《巴黎之梦》,在用诗歌置换外部现实方面,为我们提供了一个经典的范例。本文通过对该作品中"巴黎性"的发掘,揭示波德莱尔如何发现现代生活为诗歌灵感提供的新的机缘,并借此改造诗歌语言和诗歌意象,创作出一种与现代生活相符合的全新的抒情诗类型,传达现代都市文明对人们情感生活和意识活动的冲击与震荡。 All his life Charles Pierre Baudelaire showed great concern with modern life. His poetic experience, as an out- come of specific historical conditions, is marked by distinct features typical of his time. As one of the most important works by Baudelaire, "Parisian Dream" provides us with a classic model of transposing external reality to poetry. By probing the parisianity in "Parisian Dream", the present paper intends to explore how Baudelaire came to realize that modern life pro- vided new chances for poetic inspiration, how he transformed poetic language and poetic imagery, how he created a com- pletely new type of lyric poetry in accordance with modern life, and how he conveyed the tremendous impact of modern city life on the emotional life and consciousness of people.
作者 尹丽
出处 《外国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期74-78,共5页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 波德莱尔 巴黎之梦 诗歌经验 现代性 Baudelaire "Parisian Dream" poetic experience modernity
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  • 1Baudelaire.Correspondance[Z].2 vol.,Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,t.1,1973:191.
  • 2Baudelaire.Euvres completes[Z].éd.Claude Pichois,Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,t.Ⅱ,1976.
  • 3Pierre Laforgue.Note sur les Tableaux parisiens[C]//L' Année Baudelaire,Ⅰ.Paris,l " Allégorie.Paris,Klincksieck,1995:82-83.
  • 4Marcel A.Ruff.L' Esprit du mal et l' esthétique baudelairienne[M].Paris,Annand Colin,1955:343.
  • 5Walter Benjamin.Le Livre des passages[M].Paris,Les Editons du Cerf,1997.
  • 6Thibaudet.Intérieur[M].Paris,Librairie Plon,1924:13.
  • 7圣经·启示录[Z].第二十二章,第23节.
  • 8Victor Fournel.Paris nouveau et Paris futur[M].Paris:Lecoffre,1865:235-241,384-386.
  • 9Baudelaire.Euvres computes[Z].2 vol.ed.Claude Pichois,Bibliothèiue de la pléiade,t.I,1975:82.
  • 10刘波.论《巴黎图画》的“隐秘结构”[J].外国文学评论,2003(2):5-14. 被引量:1


  • 1.《全集》(第一卷)[M].,.第392-393、183、192页.
  • 2Barbey d' Aurevilly, 《Les Fleurs du mal par M.Charles Baudelaire》.《波德莱尔全集》.(Baudelaire,Euvres completes.2 vol,coll.Bibliotheque de la Pleiade t.Ⅰ.1975;t.Ⅱ,1976).引文见第一卷,第1196页.
  • 3Albert Feuillerat, 《L' Architecture des Fleurs du mal》, Yale Romanic Studies, ⅩⅧ, 1941, p. 311, p. 312, pp. 313-314.
  • 4Ross Chambers, 《Trois paysages urbains : les poemes limlnaires des "Tableaux parisiens"》, Modern Philology, Vol.LXXX, No 4, May 1983, p. 376.
  • 5《"Je" dans les "Tableaux parisiens" de Baudelaire》, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Vol. Ⅸ No 1-2, Fall-Winter 1980/81, pp.59-68.
  • 6《Baudelaire' s Street Poetry》, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Vol.Ⅹ Ⅲ, No 2 - 3, Winter-Spring 1985,pp. 244 - 259.
  • 7Walter Benjamin, Chades Baudelaire. Un poete lyrique a l'apogee du capitalisme, Paris, Payor, 1979, p. 230.
  • 8波德莱尔.《恶之花》,郭宏安译,漓江出版社,1992年.
  • 9Blaise Pascal, Pensees, Paris, Librairie Generale Francaise,1972, p. 157.
  • 10《波德莱尔书信集》.








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