
新疆地区经济增长与环境污染关系的实证分析 被引量:4

An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Regional Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution in Xinjiang
摘要 新疆地区经济相对落后,其环境也相当脆弱。一旦环境遭到破坏,其恢复的难度和代价将会很大。分析结果显示,新疆地区经济增长与某些污染物排放之间有显著的因果关系,但这种关系的滞后期是不同的,且经济增长对环境的影响要大于环境污染对经济增长的阻碍作用。因此,一方面要减少经济增长对环境质量恶化带来的负面效应,另一方面必须建立有效、完善的资源市场和交易制度,使排污行为受到制约。 The economy in Xinjiang region comparatively lags behind, and the environment there is also fragile. Once the environment is damaged, the restoration of it will be very difficult and costly. Through analysis, this paper reveals that there is a remarkable causal relationship between the economic growth in the region and the emission of some pollution, but the lagging period of this relationship is different, and the impact of economic growth on environment is greater than the impediment of environmental pollution to economic growth. Therefore, on one hand, it is necessary to reduce the negative effect of economic growth on the deterioration of environment quality; on the other hand, an effective and perfect resource market and exchange system must be established in order to restrict the emission of pollution.
作者 胡国良 朱晓
出处 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期19-23,共5页 Contemporary Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金"新疆少数民族地区人口 环境与经济协同发展研究"(06XRK002)
关键词 新疆地区 经济增长 环境污染 格兰杰因果检验 脉冲响应函数 Xinjiang region economic growth environmental pollution Granger causality impulse response function
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