
加氢柴油抗磨剂的效果与对比分析 被引量:2

Assessment and analysis of several anti-wear additives for hydrogenation diesel fuel
摘要 以高频往复试验机评价加氢柴油润滑性能,考察了抗磨剂XL-66、抗磨剂DL-4940、国外抗磨剂F-01和自制抗磨剂Z-01对加氢柴油抗磨性能的影响。结果表明,在抗磨剂添加量大于200μg/g时,可以使加氢柴油的磨痕直径从689μm下降到460μm以下,可满足轻柴油GB/T19147—2000的要求。采用色谱-质谱联用、红外光谱等手段分析表明,国外抗磨剂F-01以极性芳环物质提高加氢柴油抗磨性能;自制抗磨剂Z-01主要从支化度较低的长链酯、醇以及醇之间多聚等增强分子的极性来提高加氢柴油抗磨性能;国内抗磨剂XL-66,DL-4940以支化度较低的长碳链羧酸、酯等极性物质提高加氢柴油抗磨性能。 The lubricity of diesel fuel was determined by a high frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR) test. The effect of domestic anti - wear additives XL - 66, DL - 4940, foreign additive F - 01 and self-made additive Z-01 on the anti- wear property of the hydrogenated diesel fuel was investigated. The results showed that the wear scar diameter of the hydrogenated diesel could be reduced from 689 um to below 460um when the concentration of additives were more than 200ug/g respectively, and the lubrication of hydrogenated diesel fuel could be meet the requirement of the state standard GB/T 19147-2000 for light diesel oil. The analytical results of gas chromatography combined mass spectrometry and infrared spectrometric analysis indicated that F - 01 improved the anti - wear property of hydrogenated diesel fuel with polararomatic substances, Z - 01 improved the anti - wear property of the diesel by esters, alcohol and polyalcohol with longer average alkyl chain especially linear and slightly branched chains, however, XL - 66, DL - 4940 improved the anti - wear property of the diesel through acids and esters with longer average alkyl chain particularly linear and slightly branched ones.
出处 《石化技术与应用》 CAS 2009年第3期229-232,共4页 Petrochemical Technology & Application
关键词 加氢柴油 润滑性 磨痕直径 抗磨添加剂 hydrogenated diesel fuel lubricity wear scar diameter anti -wear additive
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