
Belladonna alkaloids-induced behavioral changes and amnesia on open-field and step-through in 18-,28-, and38-day-old mice 被引量:2

Belladonna alkaloids-induced behavioral changes and amnesia on openfield and stepthrough in 18, 28, and 38dayold mice
摘要 目的:比较阿托品(Atr),东莨菪碱(Sco),樟柳碱(AT3)和山莨菪碱(Ani)对小鼠行为及记忆损伤作用.方法:行为和记忆实验用开阔和回避反应法.脑M受体用[3H]QNB测定.结果:Atr,Sco和AT3增加小鼠走动行为26%-42%,降低站立,修饰,排便行为50%-100%,并抑制开阔记忆.4个药物均能妨碍回避反应.小鼠18日龄额叶皮层和海马[3H]QNB结合位点数少于38日龄7%-23%.结论:1)莨菪类生物碱对小鼠行为和记忆障碍的作用随其日龄增加而减弱.2)Sco对幼年小鼠的行为及记忆障碍作用的最小有效量分别是Atr,AT3和Ani的1/10,1/100和1/1000. AIM: To study the agerelated changes of atropine (Atr), scopolamine (Sco), anisodine (AT3), and anisodamine (Ani) on behaviors and memories. METHODS: The behaviors and memories were measured with openfield test and stepthrough task. Mcholinergic receptors were determined by quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). RESULTS: During acquisition session (d 1) the 18, 28, and 38dold mice pretreated with Atr, Sco, and AT3 (002, 02, 2, or 20 mg·kg-1, ip) in openfield test showed increase in walking counts by 26 %-42 %, but decrease in rearing, grooming, and defecating counts for 50 %-92 %, 67 %-100 %, and 75 %-100 %, respectively. On recall session (d 2) the walking and rearing behaviors in the 18 and 28dold mice receiving Atr, Sco, and AT3 on d 1 were higher than those in the mice receiving saline. But a lower grooming behavior on d 2 was found in the mice receiving the drugs on d 1. On d 1 Ani 20 mg·kg-1 reduced the rearing behavior by 50 % in 18dold mice and defecation by 33 %-36 % in 18 and 28dold mice. All the 4 belladonna alkaloids increased the number of avoidanceresponse errors and decreased the retention latencies in stepthrough task. Bmax of QNB binding sites in frontal cortex and hippocampus regions in the 38dold mice increased 7 % and 23 % vs in the mice of 18 d of age, respectively. CONCLUSION: 1) The effects of the belladonna alkaloids on behaviors and memories in adult mice were weaker than those in young mice. 2) The belladonna alkaloidsinduced amnesia on passive avoidanceresponse in stepthrough was more sensitive than behavioral changes and amnesia on openfield. 3) According to the lowest effective doses which insulted the behaviors or memories in young mice, Sco was about 10, 100, and 1000 times more potent than Atr, AT3, and Ani, respectively.
出处 《中国药理学报》 CSCD 1998年第2期112-116,共5页 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
关键词 动物行为 学习 记忆 东莨菪碱 樟柳碱 山莨菪碱 animal behavior learning memory brain receptors atropine scopolamine anisodine anisodamine belladonna alkaloids Abstract
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  • 1潘思源,中国药理学报,1995年,16卷,125页
  • 2潘思源,中国药理学报,1992年,13卷,223页
  • 3潘思源,中国药理学报,1992年,13卷,323页











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