
哈萨克斯坦地区石油地质基本特征及勘探潜力分析 被引量:50

Basic Characteristics of Petroleum Geology and Exploration Potential Analysis in Kazakhstan
摘要 哈萨克斯坦位于中亚地区北部,大地构造上属于劳亚大陆南缘,即东欧克拉通和哈萨克板块南部边缘,形成晚古生代大陆边缘盆地,如滨里海盆地。古特提斯关闭使土兰地台(阿姆河—中里海)与劳亚大陆碰撞,继而形成一系列中生代裂陷盆地。哈萨克斯坦发育11个具有一定规模的沉积盆地,目前已在其中5个沉积盆地中发现商业油气,包括滨里海、曼格什拉克、北乌斯丘尔特、南图尔盖和楚河—萨雷苏盆地。哈萨克斯坦是中亚乃至世界油气最丰富的国家之一,石油和天然气可采储量分别达55×108t和3×1012m3。该国还具有很大勘探潜力,尤其是滨里海盆地,待发现可采石油资源达60×108t。 Kazakhstan is located in the north of Central Asia,belonging to the southern margin of Laurasia,i.e.,the southern margin of Craton and Kazakhstan plates in East Europe.Late Paleozoic continental margin basins,such as the Pre-Caspian Basin,are formed in the region.The closure of Paleo-Tethys results in the continental collision between Tulan Platform(the Amu Darya---Middle Caspian Sea) and Laurasia,followed by the formation of a series of Mesozoic rift basins.There are 11 large sedimentary basins in Kazakhstan,commercial oil and gas has now been discovered in five,that is,the Pre-Caspian Basin,the Mangishlak Basin,the North Usturt Basin,the South Turgai Basin,and the Chu-Sarysui Basin.Kazakhstan is one of the richest oil and gas countries in Central Asia and even in the whole world,of which the recoverable oil and gas reserves reach 55 × 108tand 3 × 1012m3.The country also has great exploration potential,especially in the Pre-Caspian Basin where the recoverable oil resources to be discovered is up to 60 ×108t.
出处 《中国石油勘探》 CAS 2009年第2期80-86,共7页 China Petroleum Exploration
关键词 哈萨克斯坦 地质特征 盆地演化 资源潜力 勘探建议 Kazakhstan geological characteristics basin evolution resources potential exploration proposal
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