
基于程序路径分析的有效蜕变测试 被引量:16

Effectively Metamorphic Testing Based on Program Path Analysis
摘要 蜕变测试对于预期输出难以构造的程序是实用和高效的.作者在系统研究已有蜕变测试方法和路径分析技术的基础上,首先针对使用二元蜕变关系的测试提出了一组蜕变测试准则,以在多个不同的层次上定义蜕变测试用例集的充分性;然后给出了3种能够生成相应测试用例集的算法;最后通过变异分析的方法证实这些算法的有效性.实验结果表明,蜕变关系和测试准则的选取直接影响到测试的效果,另外,使用蜕变关系全路径覆盖可满足性算法(APCEMST)可以快速准确地发现待测程序中的错误,而生成的测试用例的数量却比传统技术要少. Metamorphic testing is very practical and effective for programs with oracle problems. Much research has been done in this field. Based upon existed methods of metamorphic testing and program path-analysis, the authors first present a set of metamorphic testing criteria for the test with binary metamorphic relations. These criteria define the adequacy of metamorphic test suites at several different levels. Then, three new testing algorithms are given to generate test suites that could satisfy the criteria above. Finally, these algorithms' performances are fully proved with the technique of mutation analysis. The experiment results show that testing effects are greatly decided by the selection of metamorphic relations and testing criteria, and the algorithm APCEMST could detect faults quickly and exactly with fewer test cases than traditional method.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期1002-1013,共12页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(60425206) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(90818027) 重点项目(60633010) 国家自然科学基金项目(60773104) 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划目标导向类项目(2009AA01Z147)资助~~
关键词 软件测试 蜕变测试 oracle问题 蜕变关系 路径覆盖准则 software testing metamorphic testing oracle problem metamorphic relation pathcoverage criterion
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