
医用面罩材料空气微生物过滤效率标准测试方法与装置的研究 被引量:1

Test and Evaluation of Airborne Microbe Filtration Efficiency of Medical Face Mask Materials
摘要 目的建立医用面罩、口罩等感染防护材料空气微生物过滤性能的标准测试方法和装置。方法在受检样品上游发生微生物气溶胶,采用在受检样品上下游同时采样的方法控制检测精度,用增加支路的方法实现变流量检测。结果该测试方法和装置检测精度可达99.96%,可变流量检测范围为0~85L/min,测试装置结构紧凑、性能稳定、易于操作。结论标准测试方法和装置能够广泛应用于感染防护相关材料微生物气溶胶过滤效率的检测和评价。 OBJECTIVE To establish a standard test method and apparatus for evaluating the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of medical face mask. METHODS The challenging bacterial aerosol was introduced to test the specimen. The aerosols of up-stream and down-stream samples were collected at the same time, some ramifications were added to test flow rate of the system. RESULTS The experiments indicated that, the precision of the test method and apparatus was 99.96% and the challenging flow rate was ranged from 0 L/min to 85 L/min. The test apparatus had the advantage of compact structure, steady performance and better maneuverability. CONCLUSIONS The test method and apparatus can be applied for evaluating and studying the airborne microbe filtration efficiency of biological aerosol barrier materials.
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期1021-1023,1035,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
基金 科技部国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心实验技术平台建设项目(2003DC105008)
关键词 医用面罩材料 微生物气溶胶 滤菌效率 标准测试方法 Medical face mask materials Biological aerosol Bacterial filtration efficiency(BFE) Standard testmethod
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