

Remote State Preparation by Entanglement Swappingin Ideal and Nonideal Conditions
摘要 提出了利用纠缠交换技术实现一个纠缠态的远程制备。考虑在量子信道没有遭受噪声影响的条件下,利用一对两粒子纠缠态作为量子信道去实现远程态制备。此外我们考察了噪声存在时的远程态的制备,研究显示不同类型的量子噪声对远程态制备过程的保真度的影响不同。对一个确定量子态,我们考察了消相干效应对其远程制备的影响。 In this paper, we propose a scheme in which one can realize remote state preparation (RSP) of an entangled state through entanglement swapping. In ideal conditions where quantum systems about RSP do not suffer unwanted interactions with the outside environment, two two-particle entangled states are used as quantum channels to remotely prepare an entangled state. Furthermore, we investigate RSP of an entangled state through noisy channels. Studies show the fidelity of the process of RSP is different under influences of different types of noises. We also investigate the influence of decoherence rate on remote state preparation for a deterministic state.
出处 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期168-173,共6页 Journal of Quantum Optics
基金 The project is supported by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi,China,under Grant No.2007GZW0819 the Scientific Research Foundation of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education,China,under Grant No.[2007]191 the Science Foundation of East China Jiaotong University under Grant No.06ZKJC01~~
关键词 远程态制备 保真度 纠缠交换 Remote state preparation fidelity entanglement swapping
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