
葛根素在大鼠体内的排泄过程与给药途径的相关性 被引量:2

Study on the correlation between excretion of puerarin and administration routes in rats
摘要 目的比较葛根素不同途径给药后的排泄过程。方法大鼠经静脉或灌胃给予葛根素后,按一定时间段收集尿和粪便,以高效液相色谱荧光光谱法检测尿和粪样中的葛根素。结果给大鼠灌胃葛根素混悬液后,葛根素由粪便中排泄的累积排泄率为41.56%,其中4~8h由粪便排泄量占由粪便排泄葛根素总量的75.26%,8~12h的排泄量占23.99%;12h内由尿中排泄的葛根素占给药量的0.64%,0~4h、4~8h葛根素由尿的排泄量分别占由尿排泄总量的27.91%和66.28%;24h内经粪便中排泄的葛根素约占排泄总量的98.40%。大鼠经尾静脉注射葛根素注射液24h内,葛根素由尿中排泄的累积排泄率为36.15%,而其中的97.43%是在前4h内排泄的;由粪便中排泄的葛根素占给药量的9.18%,而其中的99.19%是在给药后的8~12h之间排出的;24h内经尿中排泄的葛根素占排泄总量的79.64%。结论葛根素的排泄与给药途径有关,大鼠灌胃给药后,葛根素主要经肠道排泄,而经静脉给药后,葛根素主要经肾脏排泄。 OBJECTIVE To investigate the different excretive process of puerarin after different administration routes in rats. METHODS Puerarin was administrated intragastricly or intravenously, and urine and feces were collected, puerarin in excreta was determinated by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. RESULTS When puerarin suspension was administrated orally in rats, the cumulative rate of excretion in feces was 41.56 %, the excretive amount during 4--8h was 75.26 % of overall amount excreted in feces, and that during 8~12h was 23.99 % ; the cumulative rate of excretion in urine was 0.64 % ; the excretive amount during 0 4h and 4~8h was 27.91% and 66.28 % of overall amount excreted in urine; the excretive amount in feces was 98.40 % of overall excretive amount. When puerarin was administrated intravenously in rats, the cumulative rate of excretion in feces was 9.18 %, the excretive amount during 8~12h was 99.19 % of overall amount excreted in feces;the cumulative rate of excretion in urine was 36.15% ; the excretive amount in 4h was 97.43% of overall amount excreted in urine;the excretive amount in urine was 79.64 % of overall excretive amount. CONCLUSION The excretion of puerarin was correlated to administration, puerarin was mainly excreted by intestinal tract after intragastric administration, but it was mainly excreted by kidney after intravenous administration.
出处 《海峡药学》 2009年第4期41-44,共4页 Strait Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2007AA022002) 广州市科技局资助项目(2007Z3-E5051)
关键词 葛根素 排泄 高效液相色谱荧光光谱法 Puerarin excretion High performance liquid chromatography Fluorescence detection
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