
针灸对海洛因复吸大鼠条件性位置偏爱及脑前额叶皮质超微结构的影响 被引量:10

Influence of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Conditional Position Preference and Prefrontal Cortical Ultrastructure in Heroin Re-addicted Rats
摘要 目的:观察针灸对海洛因复吸大鼠条件性位置偏爱的行为学改变及脑神经元超微结构变化的影响,探讨针灸的作用机制。方法:Wistar大鼠32只随机分为正常组、模型组、药物组和针灸组,每组8只。递增量肌肉注射海洛因,按染毒(成瘾)→脱毒的方法,反复3个阶段,建立海洛因复吸大鼠模型。药物组在染毒期给予大鼠连续递增量肌肉注射海洛因,在脱毒期给予美沙酮灌胃治疗;针灸组在染毒期处理与药物组相同,在脱毒期给予针灸治疗(针刺"百会"穴,艾灸"肾俞"穴)。记录造模前、后及治疗后各组大鼠在暗箱内的停留时间,于实验第39天取材并运用透射电镜观察脑前额叶皮质(PFC)神经元超微结构。结果:造模后与造模前相比,模型组、药物组、针灸组大鼠在暗箱停留时间明显缩短(P<0.01);治疗后与模型组、药物组相比,针灸组大鼠在暗箱停留时间明显延长(P<0.01)。与正常组相比,模型组、药物组大鼠脑PFC在电镜视野下可见不同程度的胞质空泡、水肿,粗面内质网扩张,线粒体空泡、消失,核糖体数目减少,核膜间隙增宽;与模型组和药物组相比,针灸组大鼠脑PFC线粒体、核糖体数目略有增多,线粒体嵴比较清楚,粗面内质网数量相对增多,但有轻度扩张,核膜间隙正常。结论:针灸可干预海洛因复吸大鼠条件性位置偏爱的行为学改变,对海洛因复吸大鼠脑组织的损伤具有一定的保护作用。 Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on the conditional position preference(CPP)and prefrontal cortical ultrastructure in heroin re-addicted rats.Methods Thirty-two Wistar rats were randomly divided into normal,model,medication and acu-moxibustion(acu-moxi)groups,with 8 cases in each.Re-addiction model was established by repeated intramuscular injection of heroin into the hindlimbs.Rats of medication group were treated with intragastric administration of Methadone during detoxification.For rats in acu-moxi group,acupuncture needle was inserted into "Baihui"(GV 20)and moxibustion treatment was used to bilateral "Shenshu"(BL 23)for 30 min during detoxification.Rats in normal group were given with intramuscular injection of normal saline during addiction.CPP tests were conducted once daily in a spatial place preference box for 8 days.On the 39th day of the experiment,the rats under anesthesia were killed for sampling the prefrontal cortex(PFC)tissue on an ice plate,then,the ultrastructure of the neurons was observed by using a transmission electron microscope.Results After modeling,the rats' staying duration in the dark-box was shortened obviously(P〈0.01).After the treatment,the staying duration in dark-box in acu-moxi group was significantly longer than that in model and medication groups(P〈0.01).Compared with normal control group,electron-microscopic results indicated that in PFC tissues of model and medication groups,vacuoles and edema of cytoplasm at different degrees,enlargement of the rough endoplasmic reticulum(REPR),vacuoles or disappearance of mitochondria,reduction of ribosome in number,and widening of the nuclear intermembrance interstice were seen.While in acu-moxi group,the number of mitochondria and ribosome increased slightly,the mitochondrial cristae was clear,the number of REPR increased relatively but dilated slightly,and the intermembrance space was basically normal.Conclusion Acu-moxibustion can improve heroin re-addicted rats' conditional position preference and has a protection effect on the cerebral cortical neurons.
出处 《针刺研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期97-100,共4页 Acupuncture Research
基金 安徽省高等学校青年教师自然科学基金资助(2007jp1114) 针灸基础与技术省级重点实验室资助
关键词 海洛因复吸 针灸 超微结构 大脑皮层 条件性位置偏爱 Heroin re-addiction Acu-moxibustion Ultrastructure Cerebral cortex Conditional position preference
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