实验研究了好氧硝化颗粒污泥膜生物反应器AGMBR的处理性能,并将其与活性污泥膜生物反应器ASMBR进行对比,考察了颗粒污泥在减缓膜污染中所起的作用。好氧硝化颗粒污泥膜生物反应器AGMBR连续稳定运行102 d,系统具有良好的去除有机物和同时硝化反硝化能力,在进水COD和NH4+-N浓度分别为500和200 mg/L时,COD、NH4+-N和TN的去除率分别稳定在86%、94%和45%以上。颗粒污泥有效减缓了膜污染,延长了膜清洗的周期,AGMBR中的膜污染以膜孔堵塞为主,占总阻力的64.81%;滤饼层的阻力为2.1×1012m-1,远小于ASMBR中的16.07×1012m-1;膜清洗周期是相同条件下ASMBR的2.43倍以上;而且AGMBR内不断有新颗粒生成,维持了AGMBR系统性能和运行的稳定。
In this paper, the performance and membrane fouling in an aerobic nitrifying granule membrane bioreactor(AGMBR) and an aerobic sludge membrane bioreactor(ASMBR)were investigated, which were operated under same conditions. Results showed good organics removal and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification(SND) performances during 102 days operation. COD, NH4+ -N and TN average removal efficiencies of AGMBR remained at 86% , 94% and 45% respectively, when influent concentrations of COD and NH4+-N were 500 mg/L and 200 mg/L . The membrane fouling of AGMBR was reduced effectively and the period of cleaning membrane was extended. In the AGMBR, membrane pore resistance is the main factor of the membrane fouling, which is 64. 81% of the membrane total resistance. And the cake resistance of the AGMBR is 2. 1 × 1015 m-1 , -1 which is much smaller than 16.07 × 1012 m in the ASMBR. The period of cleaning membrane is at least 2.43 times longer as that in the ASMBR. New aerobic granule was produced and grown gradually during experiment operation, which ensure the stabilization of performance and operation in the AGMBR.
Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering