IM To study the independent and combined effects of ras and cmyc mRNA expression in the tumor occurrence and to seek evidence for early diagnosis of gastric carcinoma.METHODS In situ hybridization histochemistry (ISH) was used to examine the expression of Hras, Kras, Cmyc mRNA in 88 cases of gastric carcinoma tissue, and an analysis with clinical data was made.RESULTS Kras, Hras and Cmyc mRNA expression rate in the tumor tissues was 784%, 705% and 580%, and it was 284%,273% and 205% in the neighboring regions of the tumor respectively, with a tendency of stepdown. The oncogene expression was not related to clinical and pathological type and the metastasis to lymph nodes. Cmyc mRNA expression was closely related to the survival time of patients (P<005).CONCLUSION Kras, Hras and Cmyc mRNA expression is a valuable reference for the early diagnosis of gastric carcinoma.