

Application of data cache in real estate registration management system
摘要 针对房产产权产籍系统中由于大数据量图形数据传输所造成的性能过低的问题,本文首先分析了系统业务特点以及数据特点。在此基础上,利用业务数据访问相对集中的业务特点以及系统数据相对稳定的数据特点,着重研究缓存的内容选择、内容预取、替换策略和一致性维护策略等关键技术,并形成了详细的解决方案。实验表明,适当使用数据缓存技术能有效提高系统的性能。 Targeting on resolving the low efficiency in real estate registration management system which resulted from massive amount of graphic data transmission, this paper, firstly, analyzes the characteristics of traffic and data. On this basis, this paper emphasizes on the research of the key technology of content choice, content pre-take, replace strategy and uniformity maintenance strategy of data cache, taking advantage of the traffic characteristics of traffic data's centralism and the data characteristics of system datat stability. And detailed solutions have been made. Experiment shows that the system performance can be effectively improved by the methods of using data cache.
作者 张驰 李安波
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期226-228,共3页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2006AA12Z222)
关键词 房产 产权产籍系统 数据缓存 real estate registration management system data cache
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