

Implementation and Optimization of On2 Decoder on Embedded Platform
摘要 首先介绍了On2 VP6视频解码器的原理,对其复杂度进行了分析,然后对IDCT(inverse discretecosine transform)、颜色空间转换等解码器中最耗时的两个模块进行了算法优化。接下来,结合裕兴公司机顶盒YX-5911A平台的特点,对VP6解码器进行了汇编级的优化。测试结果表明,对于CIF格式的视频,在实现VP6视频解码、显示播放的情况下,优化后的VP6视频解码达到了12 f/s以上的解码速度,基本满足实时解码播放的要求。 The principle of On2 VP6 video decoder is introduced at first, and then the complexity of decoder is analyzed. Both IDCT( inverse discrete cosine transform) and color space conversion, two most time-consuming modules of decoder, are carried out the optimization of algorithm. Combining with the characteristics of YuXing' s YX-5911A platform, the VP6 video decoder is optimized by using assembly language. The test results show that the optimized VP6 decoder could decode and play CIF video sequences at least 12 frames per second, while can basically meet the requirements of real-time playing on the embedded platform.
出处 《测控技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期16-18,23,共4页 Measurement & Control Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60772069) 国家863计划资助项目(2009AA12Z111)
关键词 On2 VP6视频解码 嵌入式平台 优化 On2 VP6 video decoder embedded platform optimization
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