
保险法中合理期待原则的产生、适用及其局限性 被引量:12

The origination,application and limitation of the principle of reasonable expectation in the Insurance Law
摘要 合理期待原则作为"事后救济机制",是保险人缔约说明义务不足或缺失时的一种补充救济措施,它使保险消费者权益保护之法律机制更趋完善与缜密。尽管我国新的《保险法》并没有明确规定合理期待原则,但立法已有对这一原则伸张触角的痕迹和努力,显现出我国保险立法与日俱进的特征。合理期待原则本身仍然存有相当大的局限性,在保险业日益发展、规范的今天,研究和探讨合理期待原则对于完善我国保险立法将有所裨益。 The reasonable expectation principle, as an "after-event remedy mechanism", aims to make up for the deficiency or absence of insurer statement. It makes the legal mechanism for protecting insurance consumers more effective and rigorous. Even though the new Insurance Law of China doesn't have a specific provision on the reasonable expectation principle, but there has been signs of efforts to flex the antenna of this principle in legislation, indicating that China's insurance legislation is moving with the times. This principle itself still has fairly significant limitation, but in the face of continued strong growth and increasing regnlarization of the insurance industry, it is of great value to make research on this principle for further improvement of the Insurance Law.
作者 王林清
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期8-13,共6页 Insurance Studies
关键词 合理期待原则 说明义务 reasonable expectation principle the obligation of statement
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  • 1Keeton R. E. and Widiss A. I. Insurance Law, p. 633.
  • 2Insured electrician v. Insurance company,Supreme Court of New Hampshire,365A 2d 744(1976).
  • 3刘宗荣著.《新保险法——保险合同法的理论与实务》,自版发行,2007年1月初版,第10-11页.
  • 4John. F. Dobbyn, Insurance Law,3rd Edition, West Group, 1996, p. 134.
  • 5[美]格兰特·吉尔莫.《契约的死亡》,载梁慧星主编.《民商法论丛》第3卷,法律出版社1997年版,第207页.
  • 6[美]罗尔斯.《正义论》[M].中国社会科学出版社,1998年版.第114页.
  • 7[日]星野英一.《私法中的人一以民法财产法为中心》,载梁慧星主编.《民商法论丛》(第8卷),法律社.1997年版,第185页.
  • 8[英]约翰·伯茨 陈丽洁译.《现代保险法》[M].河南人民出版社,1987年版.第137页,第134页.
  • 9Keeton R. E. and Widiss A. I. Insurance Law, p. 638.
  • 10王林清,张子学.论契约自由的自由与不自由[J].中国公证,2004(4):27-32. 被引量:5


  • 1[美]约翰·亨利·梅利曼 顾培东 禄正平译.《大陆法系》[M].法律出版社,2004年版.第87页.第44页.
  • 2See Scott B. Krider, The Rtmastruxction of Insurance Contracts Under the Doctrine of Reascoable Expectations,18J. MARSHALL. REV. 155(1984).
  • 3Delancy v. Rockingham Farmers Mutual Insurance Co, 52 N.H. 581,587(1913).
  • 4Bowler v .Fidelity and Contyact and Choice of New York, 53 N.J.313,250 A. 2d 580 (1969).
  • 5Abranham, Freedom Contract and Coice of Law in Insurance, 93 Harvard Law Review 1981, p. 109.
  • 6Stephen J. Ware,A Critique of the Returnable Expectations Doctrine ,56 University of Chicago Law Review 1461,1463-1475(Fall 1989), p.267, p.296.
  • 7Mark C. Rahdert, Reasonable Expectations Reconsidered,18 Connecticut Law Review 323, 334 (1986).
  • 8Aiu ins co v fmc corp ,247 calrptr 820, 831 (1990).
  • 9Abrahams v. Medkerranean Ins & Reins Co Ltd (1991) 1 LIoyd's Rep,p. 114.
  • 10Youell v. Blard Wdch & Co Ltd(1992) 2 Loyd's Rep p. 127.











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