目的:分析粤东地区313例婴幼儿眼病情况。方法:用RetCam Ⅱ对313例0~3岁婴幼儿进行眼底检查并拍照。结果:在313例婴幼儿中共发现有眼部病变37例(11.8%),其中早产儿视网膜病变13例,先天性青光眼3例,先天性白内障7例,外伤性眼底出血1例,原始永存玻璃体增生症3例,牵牛花综合征1例,视网膜母细胞瘤5例,视神经萎缩4例。结论:无创性RetCamII检查是早期发现婴幼儿眼部疾病的有效手段。
AIM. To analyze the ocular disease of 313 infants of the east of Guangdong Province. METHODS= Three hundred and thirteen infants among 0-3 years old were examed with RetCam Ⅱ. RESULTS: Among 313 infants, 37 cases (11. 8%) of ocular disease were found including 13 cases of retinopathy of prematurity, 3 cases of congenital glaucoma, 7 cases of congenital cataract, 1 case of traumatic fundus hemorrhage, 1 case of morning glory syndrome and 3 cases of persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, 5 cases of retionoblastoma, 4 cases of optic atrophy. CONCLUSION. The harmless fundus examination with RetCam Ⅱ is an available and effective method to find out the ocular disease of infants.
International Eye Science