目的:测量LASIK手术患者术中发生的眼球旋转。方法:选择近视患者70例140眼,术前运用AMO的WaveScan Wave FrontTM System在暗室中取坐位进行波前像差的测量,术中运用AMOVISXS4IR手术系统在卧位进行虹膜定位,测量眼球的旋转度数,所有患者均采用波前引导的LASIK手术。结果:发生顺时针旋转73眼,发生逆时针旋转47眼。旋转<3°者74眼,3°<旋转<5°者30眼,5°<旋转<7°者12眼,旋转>7°者4眼。其余20眼虹膜定位不成功。结论:LASIK手术中由于患者的紧张和体位的改变会导致眼球的旋转,AMO的WaveScan WaveFrontTM System和AMO VISX S4 IR手术系统能够有效测量眼球旋转,更好的矫正散光。
AIM: To measure the cyclotorsion during laser in situ keratomileusis( LASIK). METHODS: We chose 70 cases (140 eyes) myopic patients. All patients had wavefront aberration tested in sitting position in a dark room (WaveScan WaveFrontTM System, AMO) preopera-tively. During the surgeries, we used the AMO VISX S4 IR system to perform iris recognizing and to measure the cyclotorsion . All patients received the wavefront guided LASIK. RESULTS: Seventy-three eyes had clockwise cyclotorsion, and 47 eyes had anticlockwise cyclotorsion. In 74 eyes, the total torsion were less than 3°, 30 eyes had cyclotor-sion from 3° to 5°, 12 eyes had cyclotorsion from 5° to 7°, 4 eyes had cyclotorsion over 7°. In 20 eyes, the iris recognizing was unsuccessful. CONCLUSION: During the LASIK procedures, due to the change of body position and stress factors, cyclotorsion would happen. WaveScan WaveFrontTM System and VISX S4 IR (AMO) system can measure the cyclotorsion efficiently and correct astigmatism better.
International Eye Science